
Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008


Budi Setiawan, Dwi Purnomo
Puslitbang Teknologi Maju-BATAN, Yogyakarta


STUDI PEMISAHAN ANION FOSFAT, OKSALAT, DAN SITRAT DI DALAM URIN. Telah dilakukan pemisahan dan identifikasi anion-anion fosfat, oksalat, dan sitrat, pembentuk batu ginjal dalam urin, pada pasien pasca sembuhan, secara Kromatografi Cair Kinerja Tinggi. Pasien sembuhan dan pembanding diberi diet kalium sitrat. Urin ditampung selama 24 jam dengan dua kali penampungan, siang antara pukul 6.00 sampai dengan pukul 18.00, dan malam hari pukul 18.00 sampai dengan pukul 06.00 pagi hari berikutnya. Pengambilan urin dilakukan pada diet nol, 3, dan 6 bulan. Urin dikocok ,dan lima ml dimasukkan ke dalam tabung reaksi, dibiarkan selama satu malam di dalam lemari es. Beningan langsung dilakukan identifikasi dan analisis. Identifikasi dan analisis kuantitatif dilakukan dengan menggunakan kolom penukar anion IC Pak Anion 4,6 X 50 mm, dengan eluen larutan borat glukonat asetonitril. Diketahui bahwa di dalam beningan mengandung fosfat, oksalat, dan sitrat. Dari 21 cuplikan urine diperoleh data kandungan fosfat, oksalat, dan sitrat.


STUDY OF PHOSPHAT, OXALATE AND CITRATE ANIONS SEPARATION IN URINE. The separation and identification of phospate, oxalate, and citrate anions as the nephrolithiasis had been done. Separation and identification of the anions, were were done by High Performance Liquide Chromatography, HPLC. The curable and compare patients were potassium citrate diet .The Urine was collected for 24 hours, by twice collected, in the first time were it 6.00 until 18.00, and in the night were from 18.00 to 06.00 in the next morning. The patient’s urine were tapped in zero, three, and six months diet. The urien were agitated, and five ml of the agitated urine were introduced in a tube. The urine was one night stored in the refrigerator the light fase phophate, oxalate and citrate, identified by HPLC, used the 4,6 X 50 mm IC Pak Anion Exchanged, and the solution of borat glukonat asetonitril mixture as the eluent. The sample were phosphate, oxalate, and citrate containt. The phosphate, oxalate and citric were contained in the 21 samples of urines.

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